Grants & Incentives

Investment - Launch Stream
Businesses starting up operations in Northern Ontario. Eligible projects, activities and associated costs include, but are not limited to; Capital construction, Leasehold improvements, New or used equipment including capital leases, Land servicing costs, Information & communications technology (ICT) investments, Marketing for new products and business initiatives (limited to a maximum of 20% of all other eligible project costs, or $75,000, whichever is less), Training costs incurred with third parties (limited to a maximum of 20% of all other eligible project costs)

Workforce Development Stream
Businesses, municipalities, Indigenous communities, and not-for-profit organizations located in Northern Ontario that have been in operation for at least one year and have a minimum of one full-time employee. Salaries/wages and employer’s portion of Mandatory Employment Related Costs (MERCs) (e.g.: Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, mandatory minimum vacation pay, as per Employment Standards Act) for a limited-term internship position of 52 weeks.

Canada-Ontario Job Grant Employer Application Fund
Employers interested in accessing funding to support training and/or workforce development needs for over 25 participants, are encouraged to monitor the Employment Ontario Partners Gateway (EOPG) for Skills Development Fund (SDF) opportunities. SDF supports projects that help relieve pandemic-induced barriers to hiring, training and retaining workers. Projects that will enable market-driven solutions and unlock the economic potential of skilled trades and broader workforce development initiatives to facilitate the province’s economic recovery are being funded under this initiative

Compensation for Employers of Reservists Program
CERP is a Department of National Defence (DND) grant program for which the Department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) provides administrative support. In addition to issuing grants to employers of reservists and self-employed reservists, CERP provides an opportunity to conduct outreach and bring awareness to the business community and educational institutions about the important role, training and special skills reservists bring to the military and their personal careers outside of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

Commercial Vacancy Leasehold Improvement Program
This Program provides financial assistance in the form of a grant to new permanent or ‘pop-up’ commercial tenants of a presently vacant at, or below grade, commercial space to make permanent interior improvements to improve the attractiveness and usability of the space for the intended commercial use.