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Public Transit

No car? No problem! Downtown Sudbury offers convenient access via multiple bus routes, with the added advantage of the terminal being centrally located. Whether you're commuting from nearby neighborhoods or traveling from afar, the accessible public transportation options ensure that everyone can easily reach the heart of Sudbury's vibrant downtown area.

Parking Options

Did you know?

You can park free at all municipal lots and parking meters on weekends and after 6 p.m. except where noted under Special Events. Overnight parking is not permitted.


Pay for parking with your phone! Download the HotSpot App today.



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Charge Up!

Running low on charge? Swing by Elm Place Mall for electric car chargers and discover our vibrant local businesses while you top up!

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Rainbow Routes provides excellent cycling maps and trails, making it easy for you to navigate your trip to Downtown Sudbury. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, these resources offer a convenient and scenic way to explore the city while promoting healthy and sustainable transportation options. With well-maintained trails and helpful guides, cycling to Downtown Sudbury becomes not only a practical choice but also an enjoyable experience for residents and visitors alike.

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